Saturday, September 4, 2010

First Post :D

....not really sure what I'm doing....but here goes--

I didn't really know what to name my blog. :) That's one reason why it's titled the way it is, but it's not the only or most significant reason. I think having my blog called "Nameless" is fitting in some aspects. I think it's the sort of quality I want to achieve with my writing. In writing, every individual word that the writer selects is full of meaning, right? A single word can be intensely powerful, but limited at the same time because words are designed to convey specific concepts, objects, perceptions, etc--which is why word choice is so important in the first place. Depending on the words used, the whole flavor of a sentence changes.

I think it's difficult to learn how to use something so concentrated in a completely professional, subtle way. A lot of the time, I have problems saying exactly what I want to say. The feelings are up in my head, but how do I know precisely what words to use? What's the secret recipe--the perfect combination of words--for something that clearly exists in my head, but is nameless at the same time?

Good writers are remarkable because they bring something that's nameless to light. They figure out the secret recipe, and all of a sudden the light comes flooding into the reader's mind. The reader understands the entirety of the thought the author was seeking to communicate.

Right now, I stumble over my words a lot. I'm often at a loss for words....:) especially when I'm talking and I can't edit what I'm writing, like I'm doing now. I'm still not sure if the first part of my blog makes any sense, because ironically, the "logic" and thought I'm trying to convey is still sort of nameless itself. I don't know how to phrase it, and the ideas are sort of going all over the place.

Despite the difficulty, I do like writing. Or at least that's what I think. I'm not much of a creative writer--I've never done much of that. But I enjoy journaling, and the idea of keeping a blog for class made me pretty excited, since I've been continuously putting off writing in my journal after school started. I feel kind of dorky and cliche for saying this, but words fascinate me! Thousands, millions, bajillions of words are spoken a day, so people often take them for granted. Really, though, when I think about words carefully and slowly, like when I'm writing, I start seeing how remarkable they actually are. It's magical how some words seem to convey their meanings just by the way they sound, or how they feel when they're spoken. These aspects, I guess, are what make writing a legitimate art.

One frustrating thing about writing though--it's almost impossible for anyone to write as fast as they think. When I get an idea I end up writing furiously, but I'm always left with the feeling I left out about half of what I originally planned on writing. And in the meantime, my mind is still making up more things that I'm probably going to forget in the next few seconds.

I can't really tell while I'm writing in the "new post" box, but I'm thinking this is a long post. :D


  1. HAYYY.
    So, I really agree with what you're saying about the art of writing. Writers truly do bring life to the nameless. :) And I think you'll get better as time goes on--practice makes perfect, right?

  2. I love the name of your blog, and the connotations behind that name. (: So clever...WHY DID I NOT THINK OF IT?! lol XD
    Anyways--I look forward to reading more of your fiction short stories!
