Friday, September 10, 2010

I should be doing Chemistry.

I should be doing chemistry. But LOOK WHAT I'M DOING INSTEADDDD

I keep on thinking of things to write about. And then I keep on forgetting what they are.

I really hate forgetting things.

It's the main problem I have when I journal. while i'm writing furiously, I forget the things I meant to say. Especially because i handwrite the entries. Although the Internet is amazing and wonderful, I really DO think there's something magical about handwritten things. Not only is the content meaningful, but the handwriting makes the writing a visual art form also. While people generally maintain a consistent handwriting, it still changes slightly depending on a person's mood or condition. I think that sort of element in reading something adds a whole new dimension. Which is why I love writing letters. Is the handwriting sharp, or round? Does it run perfectly straight across the page, or slant downwards or wobble up and down along the printed lines? Where did the writer mess up? why are things scratched out? What did the writer mean to say? It's all in there, for handwritten letters.

Getting a handwritten letter makes me think of the sender, writing at there desk, scratching things out, or drawing doodles along the sides. And then I realize that there are other people who like handwritten letters for the same reason as I do--the heart and effort that goes in--and the world feels a little less lonely and little more hospitable.

So the price for all that is my ideas. Ideas!!!DSA:FA:L I think of them in the most inconvenient places. and I have nowhere and no time to write them when I'm walking to class during passing period, or in the car, or crossing the street (I should hope not for the last one). So I repeat the idea, over and over in my head until the idea loses its original charm and I get distracted. Then the idea never hits the paper. It never stabilizes. It's gone, and the thought that something can be blasted into oblivion like that, wasted, sorta creeps me out and makes me frustrated when it happens.

I had other things to write about after this.

But guess what, I've forgotten them already.


  1. hey! don't be afraid to write them down, even if they seem to have lost their luster. who knows, you might be able to create something amazing from them. every time you let an idea die, we lose a chance to look upon something beautiful. D:

  2. i like handwriting, too. sometimes when i can't get anywhere on a story i start writing on paper. miraculously, it helps to see the words in ink coming from my hand--the physicality of the *writing*.
