Saturday, December 4, 2010

songs, beer, and a letter

I’ve been listening to itunes for the last several hours, and suddenly I realized something. Why are all songs practically about love? ALLL of them.

Okay, not all of them. Ke$ha sings about beer.

But still. A lot of songs are about love. Or maybe it’s just the songs I listen to…..o.0 Or maybe it’s just Koreans plus Taylor Swift…..Or maybe….nah. Anyways, I just thought it was weird that all Koreans plus Taylor Swift just sing about love. How do they think of sooooo many ways to say much of the same thing?!!? It goes to show that the way things are said matter big time. Even with the same basic message, I think some songs are just dumb, while others are super kinda extremely clever. And I never seem to get tired of listening to the same messages of hopefulness or heartbreak or whatever if they’re just phrased differently. A new song feels new because it demonstrates the same message as that of another song in a completely different manner. Writing lyrics seems like hard business. Especially when there’s rhyming and syllable counting involved.

Anyways, I felt like writing another random thing that has nothing to do with anything I just said. Again, it’s another semi-stream-of-consciousness deal, so forgive me if it makes your eyes bleed, I really didn’t mean for that to happen, sorry, sorry:

Dear Sailor Moon,

"Who is your hero?" my college application asks.

You come to mind.

This is a really big problem.

You're not supposed to be my hero. You were supposed to be my hero when I was five. Not now. Not when I'm supposed to be clever and cool and applying to college and absolutely sure that my hero is someone real and important. Someone real important.

Who do you think you are? Why should you be my hero? There are plenty of people out there who are more amazing than you. First off, they are not two dimensional, and they do not need their voices dubbed in English so that I can understand them. Their voices are not unnaturally high, and they either make a lot of money, have revolutionized the world of __________ (science, business, art, you name it), or are practically helping THE WORLD HAPPEN.

You're exaggerated. You talk funny, and you get mad about really dumb things. And you use the same attack for an ENTIRE SEASON. You need to change it up.

But you also make me think of the time I used to have absolute faith in you. The time I was so sure you were the best person ever, and that your Moon Gorgeous Meditation was deadly and that when I grew up, I would move to your Moon Kingdom in the Silver Millennium. I must admit, those names still sound ridiculous but very cool.

I like that you made me believe in you so determinedly despite the fact that you were clearly fictional. Despite the fact that you don't and never will exist. And in a weird way, I kind of like that I still get upset when I'm reminded how implausible you are.

So yes, I guess you're my hero. You remind me to be unafraid of being a dork. Sometimes I walk around and I imagine you walking next to me, telling me strange things about fighting Galaxia in your high unnatural voice, the way you used to when I was a kid and hoped to become a sailor scout one day. even though you're not real, the hero you are--the sort of person I look up to, the sort of person who can be foolish but still strong and full of heart, the sort of person I hope to eventually become--is very real. There's something about that cheesy, corny (goodness, all these food adjectives), show that makes me come back to it, that makes me think about it from time to time, in the midst of all this school, college app work, internship, korean dramas, drawing, worrying, eating, breathing, and working to be a functional, communicative human being in general.

You don't have any of this. You are not a functional human being. But somehow you have been just as complex and inspirational as any other. Imagination works wonders, doesn't it?


  1. ke$ha doesn't only sing about beer! don't hate! xD

  2. I felt the same thing about all songs being about love. That's why I started listening to Hip Hop.
