Tuesday, November 30, 2010

halp, html does not love me

I am quite convinced that html hates me, actually.

On one hand....I finished another picture with my tablet! YAYYYYYYYYY this picture has been bugging me for ages because i've always been
intending to do it...while not actually doing it. BUT the snow day decided to happen, and I got to put off homework even mooooooore than usual.

I can't figure out all this stupid html crap blah blah blah and i don't get how to make it the background scale itself according to the screen size/browser size.
Somebody help me please? ._.
I already tried googling, I don't understand ;_;



  1. it's beautiful though.... i think i like the black bars on the side. it's a good touch.

  2. I'm not sure either. If setting the image width to 100% didn't work, then I got nothing. I just made mine fade into a white background so it didn't look horrible. :(

  3. If you put this somewhere in your design's html, it should hopefully turn out a little better.

    <div style="position: fixed; z-index: -1; width: 100%; height: 120%; top: -5%; text-align: center;"><img style="width: 100%;" src="http://i56.tinypic.com/35jce1d.jpg"></div>
