Saturday, November 6, 2010


My mom and I have weird conversations during dinner. Yesterday, she was telling me about guessing one's personality based on bloodtypes. Although I was skeptical, suddenly I was seeing bloodtypes all over the place, guessing bloodtypes, and trying to figure out what I was (because sadly, even doctor's daughters don't know their bloodtypes sometimes -_-. My dad can be so fail sometimes).

I'm still not quite sure if I believe what my mom said. I don't totally disbelieve it, either--I've inherited superstition and a dislike of skepticism >.<

Anyways, I think I'm an A. therefore, A's FTW.
yeah. that was completely objective.

Okay. I admit guessing personality by bloodtype is ridiculous, but I don't want to eliminate the possibility. What if it's tied to some other ridiculous gene that communicates a person's sensitivity, thought processes, extro/introversion, etc?

Huh. I don't like that idea either, now that I think of it. I don't like the idea that personality depends on genetics. I'd really just like to believe that people have complete free will, that there's no factors that determine who someone is, that all of it is just innate, and that we're all in full control. I just want to think that there's a little bit of magic involved in how a person works, that there's something special that distinguishes a human from a dead, empty carcass--not just that one's alive and the other's not, but that there's a soul in one, and not in the other. I like hoping that afterwards, there's something that all people can look forward to and hope for, that life doesn't just end here, that the magic that makes a living person's eyes glow with meaning doesn't just crumble away once the sense of alertness leaves ones eyes, and the eyes grow dull and thoughtless.

How did a ramble on bloodtypes end up like this? I'm always so unfocused and shooting off on weird tangents. must mean I'm bloodtype A.

jk. :)