Wednesday, November 24, 2010

uhm. what? double rainbows? not really.

I'm currently supposed to be working on college apps. But I never seem to be able to think of anything relevant unless it's due in 5 minutes.

....and it's not due in 5 minutes. So.

I haven't written anything for a while. I just feel like I don't really have anything to say. Actually, I do have things to say. I'm just being super lazy. It's hibernation season. All this winter and snow makes me feel extra slow.

But after listening to the same song on repeat 42 (43 now...) times, I've decided I really should write something. Even if it's not for college apps. So I'm just going to write a random story, regardless of how terribly it turns out. It's half stream of consciousness, since I'm just going to write it as random ideas pop into my head. Okay?

Even if you're not okay with it, too bad. I really need to get writing. And I feel sort of snobby right now. Sorry.

Once upon a time, when the world was quiet and evil confined to the shadows, there lived in the forest a beautiful creature known as TrueLove. Even in this peaceful time where chasing a rainbow was possible and fairies roamed freely even in human presence, the TrueLove was rarely seen, though its pure white sheen stood out brightly against the darkness of the moonlit forest. Everyone lived peacefully in the secret presence of the TrueLove. The Joker got along with all of the other cards, humans shared the land with the animals, heroes were fearless, and Blue was actually included among the Skittles. Sarah Palin and BP and Twilight didn't exist.

But people are forgetful. It's hard to appreciate wonderful things that are already there. Their opposable thumbs were just itching to be put to use. Suddenly, people were competing to make the bigger, more advanced factories, competing to get the smarter, better grades, competing to make the higher, flashier salaries. How else will we advance, they said? How else will we be the best?

So the world got colder, uglier, and dirtier, and the people pointed at it and called it friendly competition for the sake of Improvement.

Meanwhile, the TrueLoves wandered the forests midst the buzzing and cracking of logger vehicles and wondered where the humanity had gone. The humans were certainly still there. They made their presence known. As they spread over the earth, Plastic became fabulous. Processed was in. Progress was a way of life. Society's new heroes were Lady Gaga, Edward Cullen, and Ronald McDonald. Among these sparkling stars, the TrueLoves and their smog-stained coats didn't stand a chance.

Great! The TrueLoves took the last of the rainbows up to the sky and left. People forgot about them and began calling them unicorns--mythical characters that showed up in children's story books, cartoons, or popular games.

But still, occasionally a rainbow falls from the sky. TrueLove looks down it, in hopes that a childish, hopeful fool is looking up from the other side.

End of random story. Uhm, what? I don't know either.


  1. i actually really liked the part where everything is living peacefully--especially the blue skittles part. and the twilight, OF COURSE. :)

    also, the rainbowy "once upon a time" made me hear you just saying that in a ridiculous voice. it made me LOL TONS.

  2. I liked it.
